English Basics
Volume 2, Number 30, May 4, 1998
Quotation Marks, Part II
Quotation marks ( “ ” )are often used to let you know the exact words that someone has said. They surround the spoken or written words that are being quoted in the passage.
Write the name of the person who is speaking followed by a colon ( : ). Then write the exact words spoken by that person.
Example: “No one move,” George shouted, “until the lights come back on!”
George: No one move until the lights come back on!
1. “I believe,” Mr. Mouse stated, “that the cat has hostile intentions.”
2. Tiffany said, “I already washed the dog.” She handed a brush to Todd. “But you can brush her if you want.”
3. Bruce looked at Sarah and frowned. “Your room is still a mess!” he insisted.
4. “How much longer,” Kristy whined, “before we get there?”
5. “I don’t mind doing the laundry,” Bob said. He put the basket on the bed. “It’s just the folding I dislike.”
6. Adam said, “This computer should work fine.”
7. “I’m not the one who ate your cookies,” replied Olivia.
8. “Here’s a dollar for you,” Shawn said, handing his sister the crumpled piece of paper, “and here’s a dollar for me.”
Copyright 1998 RHL