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October 16, 2001

English Basics, Volume 6, Number 1

Halloween Analogies

1. broom
2. frighten
3. toast
4. candy
5. trick
6. haunted
7. thirty-one

Mathematics Problem Solving, Volume 7, Number 1

Halloween Problems

1. 33
2. 6
3. December
4. 8

Reading Comprehension, Volume 7, Number 1

Our Heritage: American!

The title of this poem makes the point that no matter
where our ancestors came from, which is often what
people mean by “heritage,” all Americans share a
common heritage. That heritage is based on the
history of the United States and the aspects of the
American culture that all citizens share. America is
still a “melting pot” where everyone adopts features
of many cultures that immigrants bring with them.

The poem emphasizes the concept of freedom and the
positive influence of America on the world

1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A

Research Skills, Volume 7, Number 1

Vocabulary - Using a Dictionary

1. A
2. G
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. D
7. B

October 23-26, 2001

English Basics, Volume 6, Number 2

More Halloween Analogies

1. skeleton
2. spirit
3. mask
4. patch
5. spookier
6. Halloween’s
7. autumn

Mathematics Problem Solving, Volume 7, Number 2

Pumpkin Problems

1. C
2. 5
3. 2
4. D

Reading Comprehension, Volume 7, Number 2

Word Meanings From Context

1. D 2. A 3. A 4. C 5. B

Research Skills, Volume 7, Number 2

Using a Dictionary - Meanings

1. B 2. D 3. C 4. D

November 5, 2001

English Basics, Volume 6, Number 3

Thanksgiving Analogies

1. turkey
2. November
3. ocean
4. New World
5. harvest
6. bog
7. 1620

November 19, 2001

Reading Comprehension, Volume 7, Number 3

Thankful to Know

Answers or comments may vary. Accept any
response that is backed up with a reason. A possible
answer for #2 is “believe.”

November 19, 2001

Research Skills, Volume 7, Number 3


1. B
2. C
3. P
4. C
5. P
6. B
7. N
8. N

January 7, 2002

English Basics, Volume 6, Number 4

The Real Noun

1. first
2. second
3. first
4. first
5. second
6. second
7. first


January 15, 2002

Reading Comprehension, Volume 7, Number 4

Dog Face

1. stopped
2. wagged
3. name
4. gentleman
5. Why
6. look
7. explained
8. dog
9. heard
10. nothing

March 18, 2002

English Basics, Volume 6, Number 5

The Real Verb

1. first
2. first
3. first
4. second
5. second
6. first
7. second

March 19, 2002

Mathematics Problem Solving, Volume 7, Number 3

Easter Egg Hunt

1. one
2. 37
3. C

March 25, 2002

Reading Comprehension, Volume 7, Number 5

Pizza and Comprehension

Statements 2, 4, and 6.

September 25, 2002

English Basics, Volume 8, Number 1

Nouns as Adjectives

1. paper
2. junkyard
3. pickle
4. apple
5. onion
6. cat
7. glue
8. beef
9. automobile

November 15, 2002

Reading Comprehension, Volume 8, Number 1


1. D 2. C 3. B 4. A 5.C

March 5, 2003

Reading Comprehension, Volume 8, Number 2

The Leader

Best answered in discussion format:

1. Student should refer to text when putting a characteristic in his own

2.Answers may vary.

3. There is a clue in addition to inference: The name is spelled out down
the left column. Respect any opinion if student backs it with a reason or

4. Answers may vary.

April 8, 2003

Reading Comprehension, Volume 8, Number 3

I Build Walls

These are questions that are best used in discussion format.
Accept answers that are justified with reasons and reference to the text when

April 29, 2003

English Basics, Volume 8, Number 2


1. amend
2. remarks
3. expend
4. errors
5. create
6. study
7. intelligent
8. odor
9. fragrance

May 5, 2003

Mathematics Problem Solving, Volume 8, Number 1

Ryan's Class

1. a, c, e
2. b
3. d There could be more than nine because no children are excluded from being at the table.
There could be eight if Ryan is a girl.

May 14, 2003

Research Skills, Volume 8, Number 1

Using a Dictionary - Definitions

1. D 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. A



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