RHL School

Mathematics Problem Solving
Volume 5, Number 14, January 3, 2000

After Christmas Specials

Did you go to the mall right after Christmas? It’s amazing how the prices drop on some products. It’s also a little annoying when you paid the higher price a few days earlier.

1. Lori bought five calendars for gifts at the mall on December 20. Each calendar cost $10.95. On the day after Christmas they went on sale for 50% off. Lori could have saved $_______ by waiting.

2. Kim bought a fleece shirt for fifteen dollars. It was marked down 50% from the before Christmas price. Tom bought four of the same shirts the day before Christmas. How much did he pay?

3. Tom saw that his favorite jeans were on sale in two stores at the mall. Denim World offered this sale: Buy one pair at list price and get the second pair for half price! Steve's Sleeves offered this deal: Buy two pairs at the list price and get the third pair free! Which store had the lowest price per pair of jeans?

4. Decoration Den is selling artificial Christmas trees for 75% of the regular price. How much will a $160 tree cost?


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