Reading Comprehension
Word Meanings From Context
The United States has a vast amount of newly
discovered clean
geothermal (natural heat from the Earth’s crust) energy.
Tapping into this energy source could provide at least
10 times the energy that can be obtained from the nation’s
known coal reserves.
1. What does “vast” mean?
a. a large amount
b. not enough
c. dangerous
d. having no known use
2. Which word in the above paragraph means supplies that are
to be used?
a. geothermal
b. tapping
c. continent
d. reserves
Using IQ tests and MRI brain scans,
researchers have found that the measurable intelligence of teenagers
can rise and fall over time. We used to believe that intelligence was
static. But now, because of new studies, we know that teens and even
fully mature adults can grow more brain cells when needed.
3. What does “static” mean in the above selection?
a. noise
b. not changing
c. moldy
d. unreal
4. What are researchers?
a. people who lose things
b. people who search for knowledge
c. creatures from Mars
d. students who don’t study
Comprehension, Vol. 12, No. 16, October 26, 2011
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