RHL School

Reading Comprehension
Volume 3, Number 28, April 6, 1998

Does Anyone Know That You’re There?

The stories are tragic, it seems every day
Some evil young killer has caused so much pain.
The news asks, “What’s happened to youths of today?
Why have they gone bad?” is the constant refrain.

But why are they judging a group by the few?
They only see wrong. Well, it just isn’t fair!
And why don’t they notice so many of you?
Does anyone know that you’re there?

The kids who are happy to help and be kind,
Who stand by their families and friends ‘cause they care,
So many of you should be easy to find.
Does anyone know that you’re there?

The kids who are willing to work hard and learn,
The schools are the world where you build and you share.
Where are the reports of the honors you earn?
Does anyone know that you’re there?

The kids who believe in a right and a wrong,
And try to do right anytime, anywhere,
Who offer a word or a hand or a song,
Does anyone know that you’re there?

The kids who shun violence to live and let live,
Who practice goodwill with a deed or a prayer,
Who’d rather not hate and are quick to forgive,
Does anyone know that you’re there?

You read and you think and you speak and you play.
You look to the future with hope, not despair.
You’re good and you’re growing, the youth of today.
Does anyone know that you’re there?


1. What is the main point that the author is making?
2. How would you answer the main question that the poem asks?
3. What is the author’s opinion of most young people? Can you give any examples to support or disagree with that opinion?


Copyright 1998 RHL

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