RHL School

Reading Comprehension
Volume 5, Number 21, February 28, 2000

Word Meanings From Context


1. It was a sad and haunting strain that met our ears as we entered the old theater. There was a beauty in the voice that we’d never forget. This would be a special concert.

What does “strain” mean in the context of the selection?

a. effort
b. injury
c. melody
d. filter

2. I want you to weigh his words carefully. He seems sincere and presents his arguments well. There is, however, something that doesn’t quite ring true about the candidate.

What does “weigh” mean in the context of the selection?

a. to measure the mass
b. to put pressure on a scale
c. to think about
d. to be important

3. Michael is an ardent supporter of his presidential candidate. That became obvious to me when I found out how much time he’s donated to the campaign. Perhaps Michael knows what he’s doing.

What does “ardent” mean in the context of the selection?

a. old
b. intelligent
c. foolish
d. very strong

4. Mary, of course you’re overweight. You eat too much junk food. Even worse, you exercise infrequently.

What does “infrequently” mean?

a. with a frown on one’s face
b. at a gym
c. while wearing heavy clothes
d. not often




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