Reference Skills
Volume 4, Number 10, November 9, 1998
Using a Dictionary - Definitions
Use a dictionary to help you make the correct choices.
1. Which of the following sentences is correct?
a. Only the largest truck can move a leek.
b. All the water will leek out of the cracked pail.
c. Ryan ate all the leeks in his salad.
d. When your gas tank leeks, you should replace it.
2. Which of the following is true?
a. The president is a lame duck because he cant run for another term.
b. The president is a lame duck because of his lame excuses.
c. The president is a lame duck because he hurt his leg.
d. The president is a lame duck because hes a Democrat.
3. Which of the following is true?
a. Most quetzals are coated with salt.
b. All quetzals have feathers.
c. All quetzals have four legs.
d. Quetzal is an expensive French wine.
4. Which sentence makes sense?
a. Cheryl likes to trick entreat on Halloween night.
b. We slowly entreated the spooky old house.
c. Ill take you out entreat you to a meal.
d. I entreat you to give me another chance!
5. Which of the following statements is true?
a. A terrapin is used to connect two vehicles to each other.
b. A terrapin is used to keep baggy pants from falling down.
c. A terrapin is a reptile.
d. A terrapin is a dance.
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