Research Skills
Volume 5, Number 26, April 3, 2000
1. A lapidary __________.
a. is a person
who works with precious stones
b. is a place that
makes cheese from reindeer milk
c. is a napkin used in
expensive restaurants
d. drives school buses
around test tracks
2. A fishmonger __________.
a. is a chef
at a seafood restaurant
b. says bad things in
fish language
c. sells fish
d. runs an aquarium
3. A retrospect __________.
a. looks back
at past events
b. is a tool for
carving wood
c. is a breakfast food
for lizards
d. is a pair of old
4. An intricate plan is __________.
a. illegal
b. liable to make you
c. never going to work
d. not simple
5. Who is most likely to use a dory?
a. someone who
is about to get married
b. someone who is
afraid of feathers
c. someone who fishes
d. someone who likes to
chew on wood
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