Research Skills
Volume 6, Number 7, October 23, 2000
Use a dictionary to help you complete the four items.
1. Guy wires __________.
a. like to
date gal wires
b. carry messages for
c. can help hold up a
d. are necklaces made
for men
What gives blue cheese its color?
a. mold
b. dye made from
c. pieces of crushed
watermelon seeds
d. Real blue cheese is
always white.
3. An incentive __________.
a. is a
Canadian penny
b. is a rude comment
about someone’s poverty
c. is a medical cure
for green teeth
d. is meant to make you
want to do something
4. If you make an offhand remark, you say it __________.
a. while
wearing gloves
b. with sign language
c. without preparation
d. to a helper
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